Rob Heyman specialises in portrait photography for country families, country kids and three generation portraits.
He spends much of his time travelling Australia and the world photographing families and giving seminars.
Many of his previous portrait and wedding clients now live or holiday overseas so Rob tries to time his overseas
trips to update these families' portraits in exotic locations. Recent times have seen him photograph
in Singapore, France, Greece, Venice, New York, Tennessee, Prague, Istanbul, and Romania.

His published book, "Location Lighting for Portrait and Wedding Photographers" is popular around the world
and his second book on "Photographing Groups" has now been released.

Monday, October 15, 2012


For the last few weeks I have been photographing in Country NSW, working on a project I have had in mind for some time, but have never had the opportunity to bring to fruition.

A family portrait must also include aspects of their life. It should not be just a two dimensional representation of a three dimensional subject. I try to tell more in each portrait than mere words can convey. Instead of just looking AT the portraits, look INTO them. You should see lifestyle, hopes, aspirations and memories of achievements. These are the portraits that will remain forever, not only in the memories of family members who view them, but in their hearts and minds.

Each viewer may see the portraits differently, someone from the city would see a lifestyle they may never even consider, while the country viewer will see a place they could call home.

The lady in the portrait above is seen reflecting on the last 103yrs of her life. Her hands may show the years of toil, but the wedding ring keeps her forever young.

We don't need to see his face. He represents the sons of thousands of farmers who still see farming as a family business.

Todd and Don were working in the cattle yards when I arrived. They kept working while I photographed Todd's family, then as the sun set and cast shadows in the right places they stepped in for the father and son portrait. These will be very valuable portraits in fifty years time.

Rather than remain in the city, Richard decided he would rather give his children the benefits of a country life, complete with dogs, ute with the obligatory "NO MINES" sticker, and the remains of the woolshed from yesteryear. (Why are farm utes always left with the door open?)
Guard geese!

above and below: Granddad's kiln and pottery shed have not been used since about 1987 when the roof blew off the shed in a massive storm. Hugh has recently repaired it and it is now used as storage, but it makes a great location for their family portrait.

Five years ago the dam in the background was just a trickle running through a series of mud puddles. Today Keepit Dam is full and this family's property runs right to the edge of it. The lifestyle of these boys is something city kids can only dream about.

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